Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Easter 2010

Finally, after long awaited anticipation, my Easter season is OVER!
It was a long week with 25 baby chickens, a new dog, a 2 year old and over 30 appointments, but SOOO well worth it.

I want to thank everyone who came into the studio and made this Easter my best holiday to date!

Here they are, in no particular order!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Matt and Kayla's Engagement

16 degree weather didn't stop this photoshoot. We had a blast with this, and it went rather quick. Probably because we were so cold! Ha. Love you Kayla. Cant wait for the Feb 27th wedding!
Ps. The Jersey Shore on MTV... really ?? ;-)

Thursday, December 10, 2009

The Price's

Love them! And Ms. Brookie is growing up way fast!

The Ober's

Theses guys were in and out of my studio in twenty minutes! Ha. They either were really excited, or just wanted to get out asap! Either way, they did so good, and Even LOVES me :-) ha. Bre and Mad loved tying him up!